Friday, August 27, 2010

Mystical Tzfat

Tzfat is an evocative hilltop city in northern Israel with a rich heritage of Jewish spirituality.  It is one of Judaism's holiest places and the center of Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism, which is (according to Wikipedia, since we're really not qualified to provide an authoritative explanation) a complex school of thought that seeks to define the nature of the universe and the meaning and purpose of human existence.  The town is filled with ancient synagogues, narrow cobblestone alleys, and a plethora of art galleries - ranging from new age-y, to bohemian, to traditional, to tourist kitsch.  So, you can buy a truly innovative work of art depicting profound themes of Jewish mysticism and spirituality, then pick up your Omri Casspi Sacramento Kings jersey in the very next doorway.
The city rose to prominence in the 16th century as many Jewish scholars and philosophers settled here after being expelled from Spain in 1492.  Tzfat became a center for Jewish learning and was reputedly the site of the first printing press in the Middle East in 1577.  More recently, it served as Israel's art capital in the 1950s and 1960s, drawing leading artists throughout the country, and is now hailed as a center of klezmer music, hosting an annual klezmer festival. 

It was a bit of a challenge to fully digest and enjoy all that Tzfat has to offer, given the searing 100-degree heat (our guidebook said that Tzfat's hilltop location offers a respite from the summer heat, but not on this day), and the meltdown of our youngest child.  Nothing that a long nap on a shaded bench couldn't cure, but we'll be sure to make another visit when the temperature, and our mood, is better suited for touring....

One of Tzfat's many art galleries
An old synagogue
A quiet, shaded alley
A synagogue interior

The new and the old


  1. How nice to have a window into your travels and life in modern-day Israel (I haven't had those potatoey Tel Aviv "chips" since 1988). Great pics too. Thanks for sharing this with us! (p.s. We decided to send Jem to Bridge-K at Tehiyah.)

  2. Tzfat has always been my favorite city in Israel. My girlfriend and I always went there on every visit I made to her and Israel. I remember walking down that street with the art galleries, etc. Thanks for a great blog!

    I might have a connection in Jerusalem for you--a family with kids your age. Are you interested?

    Leah alias Lulu

  3. You probably didn't know that Leah alias Lulu is Leah Abrahams, Eden's mother.

    Fondly, L.
